100 Mile Challenge

In May, I made it my goal to close all 3 of my Apple Activity rings everyday. It was hard, but it was really satisfying, and it was really motivating to have something to work toward. So, in June, I set a goal to walk/run 100 miles. But I actually ended up short by a couple miles since I ended up hurting my ankle and needing to take some time off. So, to motivate myself again, I’m setting some new goals for July, including redoing the 100 mile challenge!

1. 100 Mile Challenge

I had gotten the idea of doing this challenge from our friend Lauren! So, as the name of the challenge indicates, you walk or run 100 miles in the month. It’s actually really doable since it breaks down to 3-4 miles per day.

Click here to download our 100 mile challenge tracker!

2. Intermittent Fasting

Disclaimer: Intermittent fasting is not suitable for everyone, especially if you are pregnant or have a history of disordered eating. Please do your research or speak to a health professional to see if this is the right choice for you.

One of my other goals in June was to do intermittent fasting. I do the 16:8 fasting method daily, which means I would fast for 16 hours & have an 8 hour window to eat.

I started to do this because I had noticed myself snacking too often and too late, especially on foods that did not make me feel good. (Plus there are a lot of benefits to intermittent fasting.) I felt better because I was much more mindful about my food choices and eating when hungry as opposed to when bored.

3. Meditate daily

Meditating is actually part of my 5 Realistic Health Goals for Summer. I’ve been using Headspace since it’s currently free for LA County residents. I’ve been using it on and off for about a week, but I still haven’t been using it regularly. So, I’m hoping to make it a habit to do a couple minutes each morning.

What are your July goals? Don’t forget to tag us on Instagram if you use our 100 mile tracker!

– Grace

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We're Joanna & Grace Park, sisters from LA

We’re all about helping you find a healthy, balanced lifestyle that works for you. Think of us as the sisters you’ve never had!

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