How to Find Motivation to Workout

*This blog post is sponsored by JCPenney, but all opinions are our own.

We’ve all been in workout funks and have lost motivation to workout. But we love that with the new year, we can set new intentions to focus on ourselves. So, here are some of our tips to find the motivation to workout!

Cute workout clothes

Getting a cute new workout outfit always makes us feel better. We’re big believers in when you look good, you feel good! We love that at JCPenney, you can find everything to achieve your goals from workout clothes and shoes to accessories like water bottles and smartwatches! We both got new outfits and shoes from one of our favorite brands Nike.

We love the black with the gold detailing on these Nike sports bras and leggings (black, black with metallic gold). We paired them with Nike sweaters (black, pink) that we can wear to and from the gym. We love how comfortable these Nike shoes are! They’re perfect for our workout classes or going for a walk.

Set realistic goals.

You can’t go from not working out to working out 7 days per week. When we fall off track or get sick and don’t work out for 1-2 weeks, instead of saying we’ll work out every day of the week, we’ll aim for 3 days. Then we’ll build back up to the 5-6 days per week. It’s much easier than burning yourself out too early!

Pick a class or workout you enjoy doing.

When we’re feeling unmotivated, we go to a workout we love. We love group fitness classes especially SoulCycle. We love the energy of the room and the instructor! It keeps us motivated to push through when we want to stop.

It feels less like a workout when you’re having fun! So if you enjoy dancing or yoga, do that. You want to look forward to your workout.

Be consistent, but don’t beat yourself up.

It’s important to work hard and be consistent, but you can’t beat yourself up if you fall off track. If you have one or two days of bad eating or miss a couple workouts, in the grand scheme of things, it’s really not a big deal! We all have those moments, so just keep going.

Find an accountability buddy!

It’s always so much easier when you have a buddy! We’re much less likely to skip a workout if we know our friend is going to be there.

It’s great for us since we’re sisters and live together. There have definitely been days when we’ve had to wake each other up to make it to our morning workout. But even finding a friend to text and check in with is helpful!

We’re always here if you need an accountability buddy. Just email or DM us on Instagram. Let’s crush this!


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One Response

  1. To get into shape, I would like to have your advice on my workout and what exercises I should follow.

We're Joanna & Grace Park, sisters from LA

We’re all about helping you find a healthy, balanced lifestyle that works for you. Think of us as the sisters you’ve never had!

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