Five Household Items as Workout Equipment

You don’t need to buy equipment or go to a gym to get in a good workout! Not only can you get in a great workout at home with just your bodyweight, but you can also incorporate some household items for your workout!

Here are 5 easy items to grab and some ideas on what workout moves you can do with each of them!

Laundry detergent bottle

Grab 1 and use as a kettlebell. You can do a kettlebell swing by grabbing the handle.

You can also grab 2 and use them as weights. Make sure they’re equal in weight if you’re using 2 at a time!

Dish towels

Grab 2 small towels to use as gliders! You can do abs by doing mountain climbers, knee tucks, and pikes. You can also use them for legs like lunges.

If you’re on carpet, try paper plates instead.

Soup cans (or wine bottles)

Soup cans can easily double as small weights for high-rep movements. Try using them for triceps kickbacks like in a barre class.

Chair or sofa

Use a stable chair or sofa to do triceps dips! Scoot your hands to the front of the chair or sofa. Keeping your hips close either keep your legs bent or extend them for an additional challenge. Keep your elbows in and lower your elbows to 90 degrees, then press back up.

You can also use your couch for glute bridges (and your chair if it’s stable enough and against a wall). Lie face-up on the floor and rest your heels on the edge. Squeeze your glutes and raise your hips, then lower. For an added challenge, try lifting one leg up in the air to isolate the other glute.


If you have stairs inside your house or apartment building, they’re a great way to get your cardio in!

It’s so easy to use household items for a workout! Let us know if you try using any of these, and don’t forget to tag us on Instagram if you do. Go get your sweat on!


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One Response

  1. Really great advice girls! Especially since buying or ordering/shipping all those equipment can be so expensive.

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