How to Prepare for your First SoulCycle Class

You all know how much we LOVE SoulCycle. You could say we’re SOUL-obsessed! We probably talk about SoulCycle a little too much with our friends, but we just want to share our love for riding with everyone.

We’ve heard a lot of people say they want to try Soul, but they’re too scared to. We absolutely promise it is NOT scary, but to help prepare any new riders we wanted to give some tips on your first SoulCycle class.

Signing up for your first SoulCycle class

The outside of the HLWD location

Create an online account

Super easy. Simply go to the SoulCycle website (or click here) and create your account. Your first class is $20, but you’ll have to call the studio to purchase the $20 class. There are also some periods where your first class is free.

Noon on a Monday

Every Monday exactly at 12:00 pm, sign-ups go live. You may not understand it yet if you haven’t tried or heard the stories, but yes, some classes goes faster than Beychella tickets.

So get your fingers ready to hit your bike. We suggest either asking a friend who’s a regular to do this for you, if it’s a very popular class, or really prepare yourself.

Also we highly recommend sitting in the second or third row in the middle. Even if you are a regular spinner, SoulCycle can be more difficult because of the pace, the beat, and the choreography. We even still sit second row for any new instructors we take because we are unfamiliar with the moves.

The day of your first SoulCycle class

What to bring

We like to bring our reusable water bottle (this is the one we are obsessed with since it keeps our water incredibly cold and the straw lid makes life so much easier in class) filled with ice and water. If you forget, water is available for purchase for $2.

We like to wear comfortable workout clothes that’s made for a lot of sweat and high intensity. Grace prefers to wear crops because she sweats so much. But we both like to wear something that’s not shorts. We just feel more comfortable that way! We also like to wear a supportive sports bra that will get us through the 45-60 minute class.

We also always bring a pair of socks. If you forget, you can purchase a pair at the studio. We also bring our spin shoes or rent a pair from SoulCycle (for $3).

Arrive 15-20 minutes early for your first class!

Don’t worry, you’ll usually be handed a bottle of water not thrown one!

Arriving early will ensure that you will have plenty of time to sign into class, sign the waiver, and get help setting up your bike!

Ask for help to set up the bike

The SoulCycle staff members are always so incredibly nice and helpful. If you need help setting up your bike especially if you don’t know your settings, they’ll help you get set up in class.

Soul Etiquette

Soul Etiquette is seriously very important!

Pro tip: Swipe up and turn on the “theater mode” on your Apple Watch too, so your watch isn’t lighting up the whole room.

After your first SoulCycle class

We highly recommend stretching/foam rolling and drinking plenty of water!

Thankfully Grace caught this… or it would have been seriously embarrassing

Also fair warning, you may become SOUL-obsessed like we are.

P.S. If anyone wants to ride with us in LA, leave us a comment or send us a message! We’re always riding and love to meet new people!

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We're Joanna & Grace Park, sisters from LA

We’re all about helping you find a healthy, balanced lifestyle that works for you. Think of us as the sisters you’ve never had!

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