Where We Worked Out This Week 11/12-16

Since we talked about blogging more regularly on our Instagram and almost a year ago (oops!) on our blog, we finally decided to start up a weekly series, where we share with you our weekly workout schedule from the previous week!

Why we’re starting this weekly workout series

Admittedly, our weekly workout routine has been off and sporadic since the summer. For a while, we were seriously on top of our fitness game! But life happened, and slowly we fell somewhat off track.

So, we’re still trying to get back on track! Hopefully, by posting our weekly routine, this will keep us accountable. Plus we can share with you all our thoughts during the classes AND some of our fave workout clothes. (You’ll see that Grace really does wear a lot of black…)

Weekly Workouts

Monday 11/12 – Rest Day

Jo: I used Grace’s illness as an excuse to skip my workout. Haha. Mondays are my busiest days so if I don’t work out early, it’s not happening.

Grace: I was recovering from a horrible case of food poisoning over the weekend, so I needed a day to rest.

Tuesday 11/13 – SoulCycle with David

Read why David is our fave instructor!

Jo: Was reminded why eyebrows and lashes exist…to keep sweat out of our eyes. Sitting front row is a whole different workout!

Grace: Felt pretty weak after being sick all weekend and was having trouble keeping up. But need to get back to it, so Jo & I can ride front row together for Turkey Burn!

Twinning in our Lululemon x SoulCycle outfits.

Wednesday 11/14 – CruBox with Gabriel

Jo: We were running late and forgot our wraps, so decided to just box without them. Punched too hard and now my knuckles are ripping. OUCH! We’ve both been a little angry lately so went a little crazy on the bags.

Grace: Was so out of it in the morning. Thought the class started 30 minutes later than it did, so we were late. But it felt insanely good to punch the bag and let out some of my aggression. Definitely need to add more boxing to my weekly workout routine.

Sports bra: Aekonami
Leggings: Lululemon

Thursday 11/15 – SoulCycle with David

Jo: Punched so hard during yesterday’s workout, I couldn’t keep up with the 3 lb weights during arms. BOO!

Grace: Is it just me or are the runs out of the saddle getting longer??? Is this what Turkey Burn is going to be like?

Outfit: Aekonami

Friday 11/16 – Barre Belle with Marnie Alton

We’re headed to a Barre Belle class later today with Beyond Yoga.

Jo: I fell in love with group fitness classes and working out in general because of barre. I rarely go now since I prefer more high-intensity workouts with loud music and a dark room, but excited to switch it up!

Grace: Pretty excited to take a class with Marnie! I used to take her barre classes at The Bar Method years ago, and she was one of my fave instructors. I haven’t had a chance to check out the studio she opened. Plus it’s been forever since I’ve taken a barre class.


What did your weekly workout schedule look like? Are there any studios or instructors that you think we need to try out in LA? Let us know!


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We're Joanna & Grace Park, sisters from LA

We’re all about helping you find a healthy, balanced lifestyle that works for you. Think of us as the sisters you’ve never had!

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