2018 New Year’s Goals, Not Resolutions

Normally we don’t like to set New Year’s resolutions because a lot of times they’re too much of a reach and very difficult to keep up past the first couple months (or in Joanna’s case, weeks) of the year.

But we’re hoping by calling them goals instead of resolutions (and hopefully choosing attainable ones!) and by publishing them on our blog, we’ll be held accountable to reaching them.

Here are our 2018 goals for both our brand and ourselves.

Exercise with Extra Fries

In 2017, we launched our YouTube channel and expanded more into lifestyle. While we really loved filming videos and had so much fun creating different content, we were having trouble editing and releasing our YouTube videos on time. Our brand is only a little over a year old and we realized recently we had spread ourselves too thin.

In 2018, we plan on scaling back and getting back to our roots. We want to refocus our brand and post about fitness and how we lead a balanced healthy (ish) life. Instead of having an Instagram, blog, and YouTube, we want to focus our time on our Instagram and blog. Our YouTube will be on a hiatus for now.

We’ll be moving away from lifestyle and focusing more on fitness.

This year, we will continue to Instagram since it’s the best way we can create and deliver our content to you. We will also try to blog 3-4 times per month (crossing our fingers we actually stick to this!). We hope this goal will help us bring better content to you and allow us to interact with you all much more frequently.

Is there anything you want us to post about? If so, let us know in the comments or feel free contact us!


I’m perfect so I have no changes to make.

Just kidding!


Lately, I haven’t been recovering from my workouts as quickly and if I do too many high intensity workouts, my hips will be in pain. It’s been extremely frustrating since I feel like I haven’t been making any progress with my workouts. I know the main reason for my hip issue is because IĀ NEVER stretch or foam roll. I’ll be forcing myself to add yoga and foam rolling to my routine, because at the rate that I’m going, I’ll probably get injured.

More yoga and foam rolling in 2018!

I’m not the biggest fan of yoga, because it requires too much thinking. I love loud music and tuning everything out during my workouts. Workouts like yoga, boxing, and dance classes require me to be mentally present so I don’t mess up on the routine.

The only yoga pose Joanna knows how to do.

From January to March, we’ll be partnering up with CorePower Yoga. CorePower recently opened up a studio at USC Village and we’re really excited to change up our workout routine. If anyone wants to take a yoga class together, message us!



Someone please organize Joanna’s life.

I’m a hot mess and I’ve come to accept that my closet will never be perfectly organized and my purse will always be filled with receipts (and sometimes even my spin shoes.. gross!). But the one change I do want to make in 2018 is to get my planner and to do list organized.

I added so many things to my plate in 2017 that things have become unmanageable. 2018 is going to be even busier so I need a system that works for me.



One of my fitness goals in 2018 is to be able to do 1 pull-up. I’ve never been able to do a pull-up. It’s always been something that’s been so hard for me. Even when I did Crossfit, I always had to use the thickest pull-up band, and even then sometimes that would be too difficult. I know this goal is probably too much of a reach, but I really really want that pull-up.

Since we train twice a week with our trainer Matt Conrad, I want to work on strengthening my back once a week. Hopefully I can do more than 70 lbs for my lat pull-downs soon!!

Grace will be working on her tricep push-ups and pull-ups.

My other goal is to improve my push-up. For the longest time, I didn’t realize how pathetic my push-ups were and how horrible my form was (see this post for example). I think I was able to do one real push-up back in May 2017, right before I sprained my wrist. Thankfully now that it’s healed, I’ve been working with our trainer Matt on my push-ups. While they’ve gotten a lot better, I really want to continue working on them, so I can work up to doing a full tricep push-up on my toes!

How many perfect push-ups and pull-ups can Grace do at the end of 2018?


Watch less Netflix… oops *covers eyes*. I really like to binge watch shows and usually have my iPad on even when studying because I like the noise. I also fall asleep to Netflix a lot. I know that’s really bad since it disrupts my sleep. It’s been something I’ve been wanting to work on, so hopefully I can slowly start to this year.


What are your New Year’s goals? Do you have any advice on how we can achieve ours? Let us know!

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5 Responses

  1. “Iā€™m perfect so I have no changes to make.” šŸ˜‚ so you!!!! Love it!! Ok now seriously, I think I’m with you when it comes to Yoga, one of my goals for this year is to practice it more.

  2. Aiming for achievable goals instead of unrealistic resolutions is definitely the way to go!! If you end up liking yoga more after your CorePower classes, let me know so we can hit some classes together šŸ™‚

  3. I love these goals and am excited to see more from you two here on your blog! Grace, you’ll get to that pull-up! I built up lat pull downs until I could do that one pull-up (it took a couple months) and eventually got up to 12 pull ups! Something about them really does make you feel strong, too šŸ™‚

We're Joanna & Grace Park, sisters from LA

We’re all about helping you find a healthy, balanced lifestyle that works for you. Think of us as the sisters you’ve never had!

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