Post-workout Hair Tips

This post is sponsored by Waterl<ss.

Even though we work out 4-5 days per week, we only wash our hair 2-3 times per week in order to maintain our hair color. We’re about to share with you our best post workout hair tips, especially how to properly use dry shampoo to keep your hair looking great!

We love to use Waterl<ss No Residue Dry Shampoo because it doesn’t leave any residue behind! Plus, it’s paraben-free & sulfate-free. It keeps our day 3, or even day 4, hair looking fresh. Plus we love that we can use the entire Waterl<ss collection to keep our hair clean, conditioned, and smelling great!

To give you a quick background on Waterl<ss, it started with a small team of scientists who were looking to improve the non-wash day experience for a diverse set of people and hair types. But in January 2018, Cape Town announced it was 3 months away from running out of water for their city of 4 million. Waterl<ss provided the people of Cape Town with an option when they had no choice but to not wash their hair!

1. Use before you sweat.

This is a game changer! We usually workout first thing in the morning, so we like to use our dry shampoo at night. It will absorb overnight, and our hair will look refreshed. But if you work out later, spray some into your roots before, so it’ll absorb the excess moisture and sweat.

2. Dry your hair.

After working out, we try to air dry our hair. But if we’re in a rush, we’ll quickly dry our hair on a low heat setting with a blow dryer.

3. Spray into your roots.

We spray our Waterl<ss Dry Shampoo into our roots 10-12 inches away.

4. Brush it out.

Next, we’ll work the dry shampoo through or brush it out.

5. Use a dry conditioner.

We used to had never used a dry conditioner, but we recently discovered the Waterl<ss Weightless Smooth Dry Conditioner and love it. Since we bleach our hair so frequently, our hair is already very dry and all of the sweat dries will dry it out even more. So, we love that the dry conditioner keeps our hair moisturized and tangle-free!

After using the dry shampoo and brushing it out, we’ll spray the Waterl<ss Dry Conditioner from midshaft (about 4 inches from your roots) to the ends. Then brush it through!

These are our favorite post workout hair tips to keep our hair looking fresh even after a few days! Share with us your best hair care tips. You can grab all of their products online at CVS!

– Jo & Grace

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We're Joanna & Grace Park, sisters from LA

We’re all about helping you find a healthy, balanced lifestyle that works for you. Think of us as the sisters you’ve never had!

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