November Favorites

This blog post is in partnership with Crest 3D White, but all opinions are our own.

We can’t believe it’s almost the end of the year and Thanksgiving is right around the corner. I swear we say this every year, but this year has flown by. We’re slowly shifting into hibernation mode and the one thing that’s always on our minds right now is what we’re going to eat for Thanksgiving dinner.

One of our goals this year was to blog regularly, but balancing all our social media channels and life has been a bit difficult. So in an effort to force ourselves to blog more, we’re starting a new series and every month, we’re going to introduce three things we’re currently obsessed with. Tell us some of your current favorite things!

  1. Crest® 3D White™ Whitening Therapy Enamel Care Toothpaste
    We’ve both been using the new Crest® 3D White™ Whitening Therapy toothpastes for about a week now, and we love it. Being frequent coffee and wine drinkers, we always need to use a whitening toothpaste. But we love this one because it does more than just whiten, it also repairs weakened enamel. Grace has been using the Sensitivity Care one because she has sensitive teeth and most whitening products hurt her teeth. However, this one doesn’t hurt at all. Click here to purchase yours!
Crest® 3D White™ Whitening Therapy Toothpaste
  1. YumEarth
    Grace recently discovered YumEarth gummy bears and candies at Whole Foods and we’ve both been hooked ever since. Grace has a major sweet tooth and is obsessed with gummy bears so she was excited to find a product with no artificial flavors that still tasted good.

    Our favorite gummy bears and candies
  2. Kaged Muscle BCAA and Cellucor C4 Ripped
    Our friend Amanda aka MeowMeix recommended Kaged Muscle BCAA before a workout to help reduce muscle soreness and recover faster after workouts. We workout almost everyday and since taking BCAA everyday, we haven’t been as sore. The unflavored one doesn’t taste great so we mix a scoop of it into our Cellucor C4 Ripped and chug it 20 minutes before our workout.

    A scoop of BCAA and pre-workout is a must before every workout.

  3. Bonus: TEQUILA!
    Joanna will always be a vodka girl, but she recently fell in love with good añejo tequilas in Mexico. Her favorite tequila right now is Heradura Añejo since it goes down smoothly without needing to be chilled.

    Guac and a side of tequila.

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5 Responses

  1. I haven’t seen that toothpaste I’ll have to look for it! Especially if they have a non whitening one for my oldest daughter with braces, it’s so hard to find one and she hasn’t found one she likes.

We're Joanna & Grace Park, sisters from LA

We’re all about helping you find a healthy, balanced lifestyle that works for you. Think of us as the sisters you’ve never had!

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