A Day with CALIA

On Friday, May 19, we had the opportunity to spend the day in Malibu, working out with Carrie Underwood and her personal trainer Eve Overland and learning about the new SS17 CALIA by Carrie Underwood. We actually partnered with CALIA for 2017, so be on the lookout on our Instagram for more photos!

We first had a vegan cooking demo by Celebrity Chef Tal Ronnen of Crossroads. We all participated in helping make the salad for lunch. Well, Grace made the dressing, while Joanna “supervised” by watching and Snapchatting.

Afterwards we did an hour-long workout on the lawn, led by Eve Overland, Carrie Underwood’s personal trainer. Although we both workout regularly, the workout was so difficult! Definitely had us sweating. Our CALIA workout clothes held up during the workout.

Next we got our hair braided at the Braid Bar Nine Zero One Salon. And finally got to eat an amazing vegan meal. Definitely one of the best vegan meals we’ve ever had.

Afterwards we had the opportunity to preview the new SS17 CALIA line and hear about where Carrie and the team found their inspiration. We had no idea what went into the creation and design. It was great to hear about how they really thought about how the clothes would move and work for active women, such as making sure there was a pocket for your phone or adding a spandex layer under your shorts so you don’t have to think twice about your shorts riding up during a hard workout.

Finally when the day ended, we were so grateful for the car service so we didn’t have to drive home in Friday traffic. We both ended up knocking out the whole ride home!

Thank you so much to Carrie Underwood and CALIA! We had such a blast.

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2 Responses

  1. What a cool experience! Seeing you ladies in her clothing line definitely makes me interested in trying it out. Looks like it was a beautiful event!

We're Joanna & Grace Park, sisters from LA

We’re all about helping you find a healthy, balanced lifestyle that works for you. Think of us as the sisters you’ve never had!

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