Secret Active: Choose Active Challenge

Choose Active Challenge

I know that as a full-time JD/MBA student and a blogger/influencer, I spend a LOT of time at my desk. Even when I used to work full-time, I would spend most of my day sitting down. That’s part of the reason I work out so much, but I also know that an hour in the gym won’t reverse all the hours I stay seated. So, with this in mind, I partnered with Secret Deodorant to #ChooseActive for 48 hours to put their new Active collection to the test!

Secret Active is made with a technology that traps odor and replaces it with a refreshing scent, giving you protection for up to 48 hours! How awesome is that? To test it out, I decided that for 48 hours I would stay as active as possible. I already workout once or twice a day, to add to it I decided to take it to the next level by taking the stairs instead of the elevator or walking instead of driving–it didn’t need to all be high-intensity workouts! I just wanted to keep moving!

Day 1


Instead of lying in bed to answer emails, catch up on Instagram, and maybe fall back asleep once or twice, I woke up, got out of bed, and grabbed my dogs to go for a walk.

Walking 1 blind dog and 1 over-eager, over-curious, and over-excited dog is such a challenge and definitely a workout! THEY’RE SO CRAZY.

My dogs have been staying with me in my tiny studio apartment while my parents move. The little one is used to having a large backyard to run around in, so she’s been pretty cooped up. I figured a quick hike would get me going and potentially tire her out too.

After dropping the dogs off after our hike, quickly changing, and grabbing my pre-workout (click here to read about our fave pre-workout and here to buy it), I went to a Barry’s Bootcamp class. Definitely worked up a sweat in the class. The studio was still pretty hot even with the fans, so I was really glad I had used Secret Active Invisible Spray before I went because I didn’t have to worry about smelling when sweating, especially in such a tight space. Active is specifically designed for high activity, so the more you sweat, the more odor protection you get.  Because I knew I was protected, I was able to just focus on trying to hit my top-speed sprint!


When I got home, I chose to walk up the stairs from my parking garage to my apartment. Thankfully, I live on the 3rd floor, so it wasn’t a super difficult task, but it added some extra steps in that I normally don’t get.

Once I settled in to do some work, instead of sitting at my desk, I raised it up to stand at it. I’m lucky that I have a sit/stand desk at my apartment. I realized that after years of sitting at an office desk for almost 8 hours straight, having a standing desk was super important to me.

I love my standing desk! Not only am I more focused when I’m standing, but it also helps me to remember to walk around instead of just sitting.


Taking a page from The Skinny Confidential’s book, I decided to take my laptop to my gym and walk on the treadmill while I answered some emails. It was hard to get a good pace at first, but once I settled in, it was pretty easy to get the emails done. I’m definitely going to look at treadmill desks next!

A tip I picked up from The Skinny Confidential! You should definitely try answering emails while walking on the treadmill. Easy way to get the extra steps in.

Day 2


Didn’t have time to go for a walk with the dogs in the morning, but I headed to a Soul Cycle class to get my sweat in. Just like Barry’s Bootcamp, I was so glad that even though I came out of the class completely drenched in sweat, I was able to focus on the class instead of me smelling! Smelling in a sold-out class is not ideal at all, so I was really happy to have Secret Active on for protection.

SO glad Secret Active keeps me protected in super sweaty workout classes like Soul Cycle.


I spent the afternoon running errands. I tried to park a little further from the entrances, so I had to walk extra to get to where I needed. Instead of driving the few blocks like I normally would, I chose to walk instead.


As soon as I got home, to make up for being gone for so long, I took my dogs on a long walk…to get some dessert. I figured we all needed a treat!


Overall, I felt like I made some really good active choices throughout the 48 hours! I definitely plan on being more conscious to continue to live an active lifestyle. . But, I also loved that while I was more active, I didn’t have to worry about my deodorant since Active Invisible Spray worked all day long with just one spray in the morning!

It was really a game changer not having  to worry about smelling while working out in a studio so close to others. Thankfully, with Secret Active I could focus on my workouts since it’s specially formulated for high activity, so the more you sweat, the more odor protection you get! I really recommend trying it yourself – click here to purchase at Target!

What are some ways you can choose active? Would you be willing to take this 48-hour challenge?

Thank you Secret Deodorant for sponsoring this post, all thoughts are my own.

– Grace

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We're Joanna & Grace Park, sisters from LA

We’re all about helping you find a healthy, balanced lifestyle that works for you. Think of us as the sisters you’ve never had!

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